Team up with another photographer, (either nearby or far away). Someone of your own choosing. Arrange two dates between the two of you. On the first date photographer 1 is the subject of a photograph and photographer 2 is the photographer. On the second date you need to swap roles so that photographer 1 is the photographer and photographer
2 is the subject of a photograph. Be as simple or as elaborate, as literal or as abstract as you want to be with your portrait. When both photographs have been produced they need to be e-mailed to [email protected]
in jpg format, (1500 pixels in height). The two images will then be published on 'The Swap' website and advertised to the wider community. Please note that there is no deadline. You can arrange to do this as and when suits you. Once you have decided between the two of you that you are going to take part in the project all you
need do is e-mail [email protected] with your two names. You can team up with as many photographers as you like and contribute as many times as you like.