'The Swap' is an ongoing portrait project. It is a very simple concept. On two separate days two photographers photograph each other and create two portraits. On day one, person one is the photographer and the other is the subject and on day two they swap roles so that the photographer becomes the subject and visa versa. The idea of being in front of the camera is abhorent to a lot of photographers but for those who are willing to take part it is an opportunity to create something collaboratively with another photographer. The photographers are encouraged to sprinkle their magic and be creative with their images. They can be as simple or as elaborate as they want, as literal or as abstract as they wish. Once both images are ready they are sent to 'The Swap' by e-mail and published on the website. Each set of images are given at least three days on the welcome page and then archived for all to see. If you would like to take part then read the following brief. ['The Swap' is a project designed and curated by Stuart Pilkington.]